Thursday, September 17, 2009

First Women in Entrepreneurship and VC Event

Thank you to all of the women who attend Fuqua's first Women in Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital event! We received some great feedback and are excited for a great year to come.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Women in Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital - Introduction on Thursday Sept 17, 6-7pm

We are hosting our first event for Women in Entrepreneurship and VC this Thursday Sept 17th, 6-7 pm in Teer 211. The mission of this initiative is to provide Fuqua women support and resources that will help them pursue careers in entrepreneurship and venture capital.

We will introduce the group and explain our goals and events. This event will also serve as a great way to meet other Fuqua women interested in entrepreneurship and VC and to start sharing ideas. The group will meet in Teer 211, which is around the corner from the first DEES event (where refreshments will be served). At 7pm, you can go straight to the Entrepreneurship 101 event. We look forward to seeing you there!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Duke MBA Venture Capital: Business Plan Review Series

Fuqua Planapalooza: Information Session Monday, September 14 in HCA classroom!

The Fuqua MBA Planapalooza is an opportunity for students to review business plans from start-ups throughout North Carolina and get involved with the entrepreneurs behind these companies. The Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital Club (EVCC) has teamed up with the Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation (CEI) and local venture capital firm NC IDEA to provide this unique experience to scrutinize the business plans of firms throughout the state competing for $50,000 grants.

Teams of Duke MBA students will read though short business plans and make recommendations on their viability. Participants will have the opportunity to learn how a venture capital firm values the fundamentals of a business plan and uncovers any major red-flags. Additionally, participants will have the chance to not only help entrepreneurs with their business plans but also assist NC IDEA with due diligence, depending on your interest. Throughout the grant process, NC IDEA will provide feedback on firms that make the cut, firms that are invited to present, and the final selection of grant recipients.

Planapalooza Details and Schedule

After the required kickoff meeting and training session, each student will be assigned approximately 10 business plans that were submitted as part of venture capital firm NC IDEA’s Spring 2009 Grant Program. Each business plan is less than 3 pages long and you are strongly urged to read through them and make initial notes before your teams meet. This initial review shouldn’t take more than 2 hours.

VC Crash Course

This 1 hour kickoff and training session is required for anyone interested in participating in the business plan review. The purpose is to show how a venture capital firm evaluates the business plan of a start-up, focusing in on the fundamentals and looking out for red-flags. It will be led by Jeff Boardman, CEO of This could be a valuable information session for anyone interested in venture capital or starting a business.

Types of Start-ups applying for the NC IDEA Grant Program

  • Biotechnology
  • Electronics/Computer Device
  • Greentech/Clean Tech
  • Healthcare Diagnostic Substance
  • Healthcare Information System
  • Industrial Equipment/Machine Tool
  • IT Infrastructure/Communication system
  • IT Software
  • Materials/Metals/Chemical Technology
  • Medical Device/Instrument/Equipment
  • Multimedia & Graphics Software
  • Semiconductor Equipment & Materials
  • Software as a Service/Cloud Computing
  • Wireless IT System
For more information, visit the Duke MBA Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital Club web site at

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Welcome to the EVCC

Welcome back Class of 2010 and welcome to Fuqua Class of 2011. We're excited for another great year. We have some very big shoes to fill (EVCC was the club of the year in 2009), but we believe we have put together another exciting and dynamic year.

Much of the reason EVCC was so successful in 2008 & 2009 was because you made it your club. Your suggestions, your new ideas and your new programming are what drove EVCC to new heights. It is our hope that you continue to push us forward through your innovations and improvements, and in return, we promise to give you the tools, resources and support you need to make Duke and Fuqua the best entrepreneurial environment in the world.

As a first step, we have created a new vision for the EVCC. We believe this new vision will align our efforts so that we can provide Duke students the experiences they need to become the world's leading entrepreneurs and venture capitalists. Our new vision will look to maximize on 4 main entrepreneurial areas:

1. Start-Ups: This is the center of the vision and as a club we will look to provide students who want to start their own company or work for a Venture Capital Firm with the resources and networks they need to make that happen.

2. Small Business: The next layer of the vision focuses on small businesses. This part of EVCC is for students who want to be entrepreneurial, but don't want to take large amounts of initial risk associated with starting your own company. We will look to help students find entrepreneurial roles in new start-ups and small companies. That way they can pursue their entreprenuerial dreams without taking on so much risk.

3. Corporations: Even large corporations need entrepreneurs, and in today's operating environment, entrepreneurial people are highly valued. This part of EVCC will help students find entrepreneurial roles (more commonly known as intrapreneurship) at big companies.

4: Education: This final layer is meant to encompass all of the other layers. We will provide students with the educational experiences they need to be successful in whichever layer they choose. This includes things such as the Duke Entrepreneurship Education Series (DEES), Planapalooza, VC Bootcamp, etc.

We believe this new vision will give you the entrepreneurial tools and resources you need. We hope you continue to stay involved, and, more importantly, make the EVCC your club!

Keep innovating!
Adam and Georgianna