Sunday, September 6, 2009

Welcome to the EVCC

Welcome back Class of 2010 and welcome to Fuqua Class of 2011. We're excited for another great year. We have some very big shoes to fill (EVCC was the club of the year in 2009), but we believe we have put together another exciting and dynamic year.

Much of the reason EVCC was so successful in 2008 & 2009 was because you made it your club. Your suggestions, your new ideas and your new programming are what drove EVCC to new heights. It is our hope that you continue to push us forward through your innovations and improvements, and in return, we promise to give you the tools, resources and support you need to make Duke and Fuqua the best entrepreneurial environment in the world.

As a first step, we have created a new vision for the EVCC. We believe this new vision will align our efforts so that we can provide Duke students the experiences they need to become the world's leading entrepreneurs and venture capitalists. Our new vision will look to maximize on 4 main entrepreneurial areas:

1. Start-Ups: This is the center of the vision and as a club we will look to provide students who want to start their own company or work for a Venture Capital Firm with the resources and networks they need to make that happen.

2. Small Business: The next layer of the vision focuses on small businesses. This part of EVCC is for students who want to be entrepreneurial, but don't want to take large amounts of initial risk associated with starting your own company. We will look to help students find entrepreneurial roles in new start-ups and small companies. That way they can pursue their entreprenuerial dreams without taking on so much risk.

3. Corporations: Even large corporations need entrepreneurs, and in today's operating environment, entrepreneurial people are highly valued. This part of EVCC will help students find entrepreneurial roles (more commonly known as intrapreneurship) at big companies.

4: Education: This final layer is meant to encompass all of the other layers. We will provide students with the educational experiences they need to be successful in whichever layer they choose. This includes things such as the Duke Entrepreneurship Education Series (DEES), Planapalooza, VC Bootcamp, etc.

We believe this new vision will give you the entrepreneurial tools and resources you need. We hope you continue to stay involved, and, more importantly, make the EVCC your club!

Keep innovating!
Adam and Georgianna

1 comment:

  1. What I like about small business owners is that they are not afraid to take huge risks and lay it all on the line. But, I agree they do need a lot of help with their marketing. I think having them go the social media and email route is not only the least expensive but its also the most effective. Thanks for the stats!
